Reliability of risk profile as a basis for preparing work plans and budget in organizational performance


  • Dewi Utami Saptaningrum BPJS Kesehatan
  • Dwi Athika BPJS Kesehatan


Risk Management, Plan Budget, Organizational Performance


This research aims to explore the optimization of risk management towards achieving organizational performance targets and determining the implementation process at PT. X. Researchers use a framework to identify risk optimization problems using Decision Matrix. The approach technique in this research uses a Fishbone Diagram by looking at the causes of a problem and condition. The data collection method is secondary through various literature and other documentary materials, while the primary method is implemented in conducting observations and interviews with related perpetrator objects. Various factors causing not yet optimal risk management include: 1). Human Factors (Man), 2. System Factors (System), 3. Measurement Factors (Measurement), 4. Method Factors (Method). Alternative solutions to solving problems include: providing feedback with a focus on implementing risk management. Then determine a problem solving method based on analysis of people, systems and tools that are representative. Decision making techniques are used as a basis for thinking in the decision making process, including: Decision Matrix Analysis, decision making based on the performance index "Bayes" method. The category of companies used as case studies is still limited to PT. X. The solution that can be proposed is to determine the risk-based integration flow model, the process of coordination and intensive discussion with related fields, review the description and pattern of compilation of risk profiles, compile a list of generic risk and formulate standardized documentation on the results of the review.


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How to Cite

Saptaningrum, D. U., & Athika, D. (2024). Reliability of risk profile as a basis for preparing work plans and budget in organizational performance. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(01), 765–775. Retrieved from