Development of a culture based tourist village in the Tenun tourism village of Padang Genting


  • Dian Dranyta Tourism Management, Sukma College of Management, Indonesia
  • Edi Winata Tourism Management, Sukma College of Management, Indonesia


Tourism Village, Culture-based Tourism , Padang Genting


The aim of this research is to find out how to develop a culture-based tourism village in the Padang Genting Weaving Tourism Village. This research uses a data analysis method in the form of qualitative descriptive analysis, which analyzes data to analyze and interpret facts, symptoms and events that occur in the field, as well as natural observations whose main aim is to observe and also understand the Development of Culture-Based Tourism Villages. at the Padang Genting Weaving Tourism Village. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be stated that the Padang Genting Tourism Village has the opportunity to develop culture-based tourism products. The tourism product is in the form of a series of tourism activities that can be packaged into tour packages. The cultural-based tourism activity in Padang Genting is to provide traditional songket weaving experiences to visitors, both domestic and foreign tourists.


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Surat Keputusan Bupati Batubara No. 244/DPMD/2022 tanggal 6 April 2022




How to Cite

Dian Dranyta, & Edi Winata. (2024). Development of a culture based tourist village in the Tenun tourism village of Padang Genting. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(01), 1292–1301. Retrieved from