Analysis of economic growth and policy impact of Makassar city priority program (case study of 2018-2022)


  • Arifin Arifin Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia


Economic Growth, Priority Program Policy, Pandemic, Regional Resilience, Government Strategy


This research focuses on the economic growth of a region, taking the case study of Makassar City during the period of 2018-2022. As the capital and gateway to Eastern Indonesia, Makassar exhibits significant economic growth surpassing the national and provincial averages. The dynamic economy is attributed to its strategic role as a central hub for economic activities since the recovery period. The study involves analyzing indicators of economic growth in Makassar City, exploring the impacts of the Priority Program Policy by the Makassar City Government outlined in Mayor Regulation No. 5 of 2021. This program serves not only as a strategic guide to addressing the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic but also as a foundation for enhancing community health resilience. The implications of this policy are expected to assist the Makassar community in adapting to the ever-changing situation and serve as a concrete step in regional economic recovery. With the full commitment of the local government to anticipate and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, this research details the strategic efforts made in the health sector and economic development. The proactive measures and specific policies implemented by the Makassar City Government encourage sustainable economic growth, benefiting its residents and serving as inspiration for other regions facing similar challenges.


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How to Cite

Arifin, A. (2024). Analysis of economic growth and policy impact of Makassar city priority program (case study of 2018-2022). Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(01), 1810–1817. Retrieved from