Implementation of risk management in savings and loan business cooperatives


  • Lapiti Gokmatua Sagala Management, STIE IBMI, Medan, Indonesia
  • Raymond Fransiscus Management, STIE IBMI, Medan, Indonesia


implementation, Risk Management, Savings, Loans Cooperatives


Savings and loan cooperatives or financial services cooperatives are cooperatives that operate in the financial sector with savings and loan activities. Risk management is an effort to identify, analyze, and control risks in every company activity to obtain higher effectiveness and efficiency. There are many cases of bad credit that occur in cooperatives. Based on the background description above, the problem formulation in this research is how to implement risk management in savings and loan cooperatives. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive nature. The results of the discussion on the implementation of risk management in savings and loan cooperatives are carried out using the process of Risk Identification, Risk Measurement, and Risk Monitoring, how to handle risks, and implement the chosen method, to achieve shareholder value in savings and loan cooperatives.


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How to Cite

Lapiti Gokmatua Sagala, & Raymond Fransiscus. (2024). Implementation of risk management in savings and loan business cooperatives. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(01), 1274–1280. Retrieved from