The effect of entrepreneurial commitment on the success of trade businesses in Alasa district


  • Eduar Baene Management Study Program, Nias University, Nias, Indonesia
  • Fatolosa Hulu Management Study Program, Nias University, Nias, Indonesia
  • Yamolala Zega Management Study Program, Nias University, Nias, Indonesia


Entrepreneurial commitment, Trade business success


This research aimed to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial dedication on the success of trade enterprises in Alasa District. The research methodology used is quantitative with a focus on causal relationships (cause and effect). The data was collected from trade enterprises in Alasa District using a questionnaire. The research included a total of 32 respondents, representing the population and sample. Data collecting techniques include interview and questionnaire methods. The data was analyzed using basic regression analysis. With a tcount value of 7,600 above the ttable value of 1.697, researchers may confidently infer that there is a considerable impact of entrepreneurial dedication on the development of trade enterprises in Alasa District. The study suggests that entrepreneurs need to maintain high commitment to consumers in order to build trust and a good reputation. This commitment requires personal strength, patience, togetherness, mental and physical endurance, and critical thinking skills. Without serious effort and high commitment, entrepreneurs may face failure and struggle to succeed. Therefore, commitment is crucial for entrepreneurs to achieve their goals. High commitment leads to success in entrepreneurship by increasing consumer trust and boosting staff performance via fostering a culture of dedication. Therefore, it will provide optimal business outcomes and accomplish all company and organizational objectives.


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How to Cite

Baene, E., Hulu, F., & Zega, Y. (2024). The effect of entrepreneurial commitment on the success of trade businesses in Alasa district. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(01), 1803–1809. Retrieved from